Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Hello, 2015!  It's been too long since I have written.  Since I last wrote I:
1. Got a new job
2. Got a new wife - pun intended

Big changes!  I love being married!  I waited my whole life for my wife, Bethany, and I couldn't be happier.

My new job is actually with my same employer.  Instead of being a Special Education Paraprofessional at Hampton High School I am now a Freshman English Teacher at Hampton High School.  Go Hornets!  I really enjoy working at HHS.

When I entered Public Education in 2012 I had no idea where it would lead.  In fact, as I've written, I never thought I'd be a teacher.  Once I was in, however, I decided to pursue a path that would lead to me being an English teacher.  I hadn't thought about what grade level, and it just so happened a Freshman job opened up towards the end of September.  I started in the classroom the Monday before I married Bethany on Saturday, and that next week was our Honeymoon over Fall Break.  Needless to say, I've hit the ground running!  I've also been playing catch up, defense, and all other terms relating to survival.  If I'm going to start somewhere, I'm blessed that it is Hampton High School.

Entering this new year, however, has been very stressful.  I've been feeling overwhelmed with all of the things that need to happen.  Thankfully, I work with great people who help me take these tasks and put them into bite-sized chunks.  That brings me to the title of this blog post:  Perseverance

Everything I write on this blog will point back to my Savior, Jesus, and all He has done for me.  I've already written about how awesome He is about providing and being faithful.  He provided me a spouse, a house, and a job all in the same week!  He's definitely in control of my life.  Right now, I'm focusing on persevering and growing.  Earlier this week He laid the Fruit of the Spirit on my heart.  I believe I've written a post about that topic before.  This time around, my Joy and Peace have been taking huge hits.  Satan knows he can keep my spirit restless with all of the things I need to be doing, or should be doing, or could be better at at work.  I struggle to find Peace in it all.  This has been a rough week, but today was good.  Tomorrow, going into the weekend, will be a lot of hard work though.  I can't allow myself to feel overwhelmed or defeated.  I know it is all temporary, and that a lot of good will come from it.  Everything about Hampton High School is new, and we are all learning as we go.  I have to pray against Fear and Doubt every day.  I have to pray that God grants me Joy and Peace.

I have always respected my teachers.  When I got into Public Education, I really respected the teachers I worked with.  Now that I am a teacher, I really have a great respect for it!  There are a lot of things that go into being a teacher that most people will never see, experience, or understand!  Bottom line though is that it is all about the kids.  I'm blessed that God put me in a position to interact with, and speak into, so many high school students.

So, as I go into 2015 I will focus on Perseverance.  Growth isn't easy, but it is rewarding.  I will have to put "Oceans" by Hillsong United on repeat in my truck on the way to school in the mornings, but I will get through.  I am so blessed, and so thankful!  Soli Deo Gloria.  Amen.

For the Kingdom,
Stuart L. Kingsley