Wednesday, February 29, 2012

No Room in the Inn

As I write this it is 1am CST on Thursday, March 1 (happy birthday Gegot!), and I cannot sleep.  I attribute that to the Coke I drank about 2hrs ago.  Caffeine withdrawal headaches are mean.  I went all day Tuesday without a Coke, and paid the price on Wednesday.  Wednesday was probably my 2nd worst day in this job.

My first major task for the GAC was to book hotel rooms for the conference MBB and WBB teams who would be participating in our conference tournament here in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, where I am writing from.  Coming into Bartlesville, I was confident that all rooms were secure and accounted for.  Around 4pm CST Wednesday I found out just how wrong I was.  There was one AD that I just completely forgot to book, so that was my fault.  There were about four other instances where the hotels dropped the ball as well.  My representative with the Bartlesville Sports Commission is a saint, an angel, etc.  God used her in miraculous ways today, and we were able to place everyone in a room Wednesday night with issues to be sorted out for the remaining nights, hopefully.  Even I changed rooms tonight!  I went from having 2 Queen beds to 1 King to help our GAC Sports Network guys out, so that was a blessing.  I am writing this as a testament to how awesome God is even when I drop the ball.

I was also reminded of something powerful, and I must chronicle it.  I do not care if 'chronicle' is not a verb, I just made it one.  It struck me as powerful that Jesus Himself was humble enough to be born in a manger in a city where there was no room for Him in an inn.  He could have been born in a palace, surrounded by servants, etc.  Instead He chose a manger surrounded by animals and smelly shepherds.  I remember the ordeal today where an AD did not have a room, and it still mortifies me.  Granted, it is my job to supply the rooms, and for the most part they were all ready, but is expected, nothing less than the best.  I am not saying the AD should be prepared to sleep outside, not at all.  Surely, I would relinquish my own room and sleep in my truck (Scarlet made the trip to OK!) than have my failure cause a detriment to someone else.  I hate failure, yet I fail so much.  My greatest fear is to fail the GAC, which means I fail UGA, which means I fail my family, etc.  By the grace of God, through the BSC and Conoco-Philips, all of the GAC affiliates have a place to lay their heads tonight...and I cannot sleep.  The irony is palpable, but blessed.  I am desperately dependent on the Hand of God to keep me alive and functioning.  He has brought to my heart things to pray about that I can guarantee nobody else in this city is praying for, and it keeps me awake.  Someone as insignificant as me can still irreparably harm an event like this, and it terrifies me.  I'm all well and good with getting no recognition for any small good thing I do, hey, it's my job.  However, when one small failure could instantly bring all wrath down on me, I stay up at night praying.  I am excited about this trip.  I have been looking forward to this trip.  I pray God's blessing on this tournament this weekend.  I pray for safety for everyone involved, and for a fun time for all.  I pray for healthy competition for His glory.  No matter what He sees fit to do with me, I will honor Him.  I am fully aware of how wretched I am, and that allows me to be more aware of His grace and mercy in my life.  I am unworthy of it, but I pray for it in abundance because I need it.  I am like a toddler knocking everything over, and not yet potty-trained, and I feel that He is a loving Father who puts up with me because He loves me.  I pray for that love to shine through so that everyone around me can see it despite myself.

There was no room in the inn in Bethlehem for the Savior, but because of Him Bartlesville, Oklahoma, rests peacefully tonight on the eve of the GAC Basketball Tournament.  I pray I shall soon be asleep peacefully as well.  If you read this, please pray for us out here.  And as Paul said, "Pray also for me..." because I sure need all the help I can get.  Amen.

For the Kingdom,
Stuart L. Kingsley

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