- James is only 5 chapters.
- James and Paul seem to contradict on faith vs. works-based salvation. If you plant an apple seed, an apple tree grows. If the seed of the Spirit is planted in your heart, you should bear fruit. The works don't save you, but they should make your faith evident. Remember, you can fool others, but you can't fool God. Check your roots.
- This particular James is Jesus' brother, as in Mary and Joseph's son. Remember, Joseph wasn't Jesus' father. God is the Father. The Bible clearly states (Mark 3:31, etc.) that Jesus had brothers and sisters through Mary and Joseph. I don't know, if I had to grow up hearing "Why can't you be more like Jesus?!" every day, I'd probably resent Him too. In Luke 4:24 Jesus says that a prophet is not acceptable in his hometown, meaning it's hard for the people who have known you your whole life to accept any authority from you. Jesus was rejected in His hometown. He told them that their rejection would cost them salvation, and they tried to kill Him in His hometown.
James 1:5 tells me that if I lack wisdom, which I do, I should ask God for it because He gives generously. James 1:6 tells me that I should ask in faith though. James 1:7 tells me I should not just assume that God will give me anything. God is Father, not Santa. We have all declared war on God, so it's a miracle that He even deigns to save one person! He owes me nothing, yet He gives me everything. That blows my mind. James 1:12 tells me that if I persevere to the end, I will get the crown of life. James 1:13-15 tells me to avoid temptation. It is not God who tempts me because He wants me to grow closer to Him. He does allow me to be tempted, however, and I cheat on Him daily :( I am Gomer, yet I do not want to marry a Gomer (read Hosea). I am a wretch who expects comfort! I am detestable, and made potable only through the blood of Christ. James 1:19 tells me I should be:
- Quick to hear: Sometimes I listen. Sometimes I just wait for my turn to speak. I need to be a better listener, and pray for discernment and wisdom to serve those I listen to.
- Slow to speak: This was never me! Nobody would say I'm slow to speak. I really need the Spirit's help with this!
- Slow to anger: I turn all of my anger inward on myself. I don't ever explode. I do, however, get frustrated extremely easily. I panic, tell everyone, and then I have to update everyone when things change. I am annoying! I am sorry if I've annoyed you
James 2 starts off dealing with partiality. I've been a very partial person. I prefer rich and overlook poor. I've judged books by their covers. I am guilty of not loving others as I love myself. James 2:10 says that if I break one of the Commandments, I am guilty of breaking all of them. I admit my guilt. James 2:13 assures me that mercy triumphs over judgment. God is Just, so the fact that He has mercy on just one person is a miracle. We need to recognize just where we stand before God before we can claim to have any little understanding of God. No one knows the mind of God. We are like dogs following our master. We understand signals, and we obey or disobey. When we realize where we all stand, that we have all declared war on God, we realize that rich/poor, White/Black, American/not, etc. all are equally in need of a Savior. We are convinced that the harder we work, the better we are, yet in terms of salvation that is not the case. James then goes on to say that faith without works is dead. Faith is not salvation. Faith is belief in the unseen that leads to action. I have faith that a chair will hold me, but if I don't sit down then what good is that chair to me? If I have faith that Jesus saves, yet I don't dedicate my life to that belief, then what good is Jesus' salvation for me? I still have to reach out and accept a free gift. True belief leads to action. If I believe I'm going to be hit by a bus, I jump out of the way. I believe that Jesus saved me despite anything I've done, so I dedicate my life and livelihood to my Savior. Jesus saves those who enter the relationship with Him. That relationship lasts for eternity. He is not a "get out of Hell free" card even though we escape His absence (Hell) by gaining His presence (Heaven). Our goal tends to be to escape Hell without truly realizing what Hell is. Same with Heaven. We perceive Heaven as "good", but we overlook the fact that it is good because it is God's intimate, eternal presence. If we don't want a relationship with Him on Earth, we will be disappointed in Heaven. The point is to fall more in love with Jesus to the point where we obey Him more than we love ourselves. He gives to us so that we can give to others. We live in pursuit of Him to one day be with Him. If we love someone, we act on that love. We pursue, engage, marry, etc. As a man, I will either live for my family, or stay single, but either choice will be for the glory of God. Because I believe in Jesus, I work hard to advance His kingdom in the hearts of people regardless of who my employer is. If I just sat at home and did nothing, it would be apparent that I had no true beliefs.
James 3 tells me about how wicked my tongue is. No arguments there :/ James 3:9 says that I use it to both bless and curse. Amen. James 3:1 tells me that teachers will be judged with greater strictness. I have been called to teach, and I take that responsibility very seriously. It gives me accountability.
James 4 warns against worldliness. James 4:4 says friendship with the world is enmity with God, and vice versa. I realized last summer that this world has absolutely nothing to offer me. This world is Satan's dominion, and I'm on the opposing team. He hates me and wants to destroy me, yet the worst he can do is kill me. Either way, God gets the glory and I get to spend eternity with Him. James 4 also points out that conflicts occur over resources and possessions, but that shouldn't be because God gives generously. We don't have because we do not humbly ask Him for it. We're taught to fight and take, not love and ask. James 4:6 says God gives grace to the humble. I am so thankful that God humbles me without humiliating me. I can humiliate myself enough on my own! James 4:7-8 tells me to resist Satan and draw near to God. Satan tempts me away from God, yet God wants me to draw closer to Him. Of course, God is preferable, but my flesh longs for it's old idols a lot. I lose more than I win :( I honestly don't know why God still puts up with me. James 4:10 says "Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up." I love that song too. I serve God because He saved me, not because I hope to gain anything from Him. Still, He promised to take care of me. It's crazy. That's where humility is vital.
James 5:16 tells me that the prayers of a righteous man are powerful. Since there is none righteous, no not one, I pray in Jesus' name.
For the Kingdom,
Stuart L. Kingsley
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