Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Revelation 1-3

I need to start off by saying that Revelation is very confusing because there is no apparent timetable set up, and there is a lot of symbolic imagery.  That being said, I do not claim to be any scholar on the subject, and I probably won't cover the entire book.  However, I'm interested in the first three chapters that contain letters from Jesus, written by John, to seven churches in Asia (or modern day West Turkey).

Ephesus (Rev 2:1-7):  Jesus commends the Ephesians for their doctrinal vigilance and endurance.  I know several people who are doctrinally strong at my church.  Far stronger than I am.  Jesus points out to them that they have lost their first love, which is Him.  He pretty much says He likes what they're doing for Him, but He misses the relationship He had with them.  He tells them to remember the relationship, repent for losing sight of it, and to do the works they did at the beginning.  To me, I read it as a call to do good works because I love Him, not because I feel like I have to please Him.  Works do not save us (Ephesians 2:8-9).  Funny how Paul wrote a letter to the Ephesians talking about works, and here Jesus does the same thing.  Good works are not bad since they are evidence of a relationship with Him (or they should be), but Jesus does not want me to forget about His grace and love.  Any good works that I do should be flowing from Him through me.  I am not a righteous person.  None of us are.  He is righteous, and if we believe then He lives in us, and from Him all good things flow.  Jesus tells them that if they don't repent then He will remove their lampstand, which is symbolic for Him taking away their witness.  They will cease to be effective despite their good works.  That sucks.  I do not want to be insignificant.  However, if they conquer and endure until the end then He will allow them to eat from the Tree of Life in Paradise (Eden).  Adam and Eve (and through them all of us) were cut off from the Tree of Life by a cherubim with a flaming sword.  These Ephesians get to regain Paradise!  That would be awesome.  I'm a junkie for historical stuff, or experiencing things not everyone gets to experience.  Walking into Eden and taking a bite of that fruit seems like an awesome reward!

Smyrna (Rev 2:8-11):  This is bleak, yet awesomely hopeful at the same time.  In these letters, Jesus opens with an introduction of Himself, a commendation, a rebuke, a solution to the problem, and consequences (good and bad) of their choices after the fact.  Jesus does not have a rebuke for Smyrna (yay, right?).  Instead he tells them that they will face persecution from the "synagogue of Satan", and that they should endure unto death.  He introduced Himself as the One who died and came back to life.  He shows that He is Life, and He gives life.  He tells them to endure, and they will be given the crown of life, and will not be hurt by the second (eternal) death.  This kinda sucks.  You get a letter saying, "hey, you're going to die.  It's not going to get any better on earth."  But, at the same time, Jesus Himself is writing you a letter telling you to hold on because He's got you for eternity.  Jesus knew He came to be crucified.  He knew He was sacrificing Himself for the sins of the world (my sins), but He also knew He would gain Heaven.  He's pretty much giving Smyrna the same encouragement God the Father gave Him.  That's pretty cool.  I don't want to be told that my life is going to suck more and more with each day, but having Jesus Himself tell me He's waiting for me might give me some hope LoL.

Pergamum (Rev 2:12-17):  John describes Jesus as having a double-edged sword coming out of His mouth in his vision.  This is where Jesus says He will use it.  The church in Pergamum has been holding fast to His teaching, and they have been warring against false teachings.  They have not denied their faith.  However, there were some who gave in to false teachings, and Jesus rebukes them.  He calls them to repent and return to His Truth.  He is the Truth.  Period.  He tells them if they do not repent He will wage war on them with the sword of His mouth.  Lies cannot stand up against Truth.  I get the image of a debate where He just cuts them all down with Truth.  The sword is a powerful image that is used elsewhere in Scripture to describe the Word of God, or Bible (Isaiah 49:2; Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12; and Revelation 19:15).  So, basically, Jesus will wage war.  I don't want to be His enemy.  I will lose!  If Pergamum repents then Jesus will give them a white stone with their new name on it, and hidden manna.  When I first read this I was like "big whoop", but when I read the explanation, I realized that the hidden manna symbolizes the undefiled food.  The "good stuff".  God's personal supply.  A white stone was given to the winners of competitions and games by the host.  That stone was their meal ticket, their invitation to the banquet with the host after the games.  So, basically, Jesus is saying that if they endure until the end, they will get to party with Him in his VIP lounge.  That's pretty cool when I think about it.  I'd like to have exclusive access to Him.

Thyatira (Rev 2:18-29):  Thyatira gets props for its good works.  However, Jesus points out that in their growing love, they are beginning to lose their discernment and allow in things like sexual immorality.  This is an example of a "there is grace, so do whatever you want." scenario.  Jesus points out that that is not the case.  Yes, there is grace and love, but not to the point of sinning.  The grace and love are meant to keep us from sinning, not allow it.  I love how Jesus just echoes Paul yet again.  I also love that these letters are short.  Jesus does not need to reason with them.  He is the Truth.  Period.  He's very concise.  "I like this, I don't like this, do this to change, if you don't then I will do this, and if you do then I will give you this."  It's very straightforward.  Jesus warns that if they do not repent and seek discernment then He will give them each according to their works.  Since all of our good works are as filthy rags to Him in the first place (Isaiah 64:6), we're not going to get to be with Him.  Our salvation does not come from the fruit, but the root.  The seed of the Spirit must be planted in us before we can bear the fruit of the Spirit.  If they repent and endure unto the end, they will receive the morning star, and be placed in authority over all nations.  That's a pretty good deal.  The morning star is Jesus, so they will get His presence.  They will also be put in charge of the nations.  Leaders need discernment and clarity, so they will have the discernment and clarity that Jesus provides.  I would want a leader like that in charge of me.  I want that right now.  I don't mind following someone like that.

Sardis (Rev 3:1-6):  Jesus sees that a few of them are remaining pure and loyal, but that there are a lot of dead works.  He wants them to awaken and remain vigilant unto the end.  They must keep the Word and repent of all else.  If they stay asleep then they will miss His coming.  They will miss out on all He has to offer.  If they stay vigilant and conquer unto the end they will be clothed in white garments and their names will never be blotted from the Book of Life.  Jesus will also confess their names before God and angels.  Basically, Jesus will cleanse them so they can be in His entourage, and He will look at God and the angels and say "they're with Me."  I would love to roll w/ Jesus in His entourage.  That would be a great reward.

Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13):  Philadelphia does not get a rebuke.  They are in the same boat as Smyrna was.  They too have a "synagogue of Satan" that Jesus will war against.  They hold fast to His Word and do not deny Him despite great opposition.  He tells them to keep holding on.  Their reward is to be made pillars in the temple of God inscribed with the names of God, New Jerusalem, and Christ.  Since God does not live in temple buildings, but in the hearts of His people, this symbolizes that they will be important fixtures in His presence.  They will remain in His presence.  They will bear His name.  That's pretty cool too!

Laodicea (Rev 3:14-22):  Laodicea does not receive any commendation.  Jesus is rather pissed at them.  This is where we get the much-used lukewarm verse (Rev 3:16).  They have nothing good for Jesus to commend, and nothing bad for Jesus to rebuke, but the inaction is rebuked.  This shows that there is no neutrality with God.  Just because you do not openly oppose Him does not mean you get to spend eternity in Heaven.  Inaction is the same as open rebellion in His eyes.  This is very dangerous stuff.  I saw myself as lukewarm for a period of my life, and I repented of that.  Some days my fire may not burn as bright, but it is there now.  Jesus calls them spiritually blind, bankrupt, naked and lukewarm.  Ouch!  Smyrna and Philadelphia got hope, and the others all got some commendations, but Laodicea is just feeling His ire.  He tells them to buy gold, white garments, and salve from Himself.  They can't afford that!  That's the thing.  Jesus paid it all, and so everything is His to freely give.  They have to take action and come get it though.  He wants them to grow hot, and pursue Him.  When Jesus tells you that He'd rather you be cold (oppenly against Him) than lukewarm, you know you have a problem.  He hates inaction.  He says if they do not take action either way, He will spew them out of His mouth.  He's used His mouth as symbolism before.  He has the double-edged sword of Truth in His mouth, and He will also claim Sardis as His posse.  He will speak for someone, or against someone, but He will also spew some people from His mouth.  Some people aren't even worth mentioning.  I don't want to be one of those people!  I want Him to validate me.  I want to be His friend.  I want Him to teach me Truth.  I don't want to be vomited from His mouth.  Here's the kicker.  Check their reward if they pursue Him.  They get to dine with Him as friends, and will be granted the chance to sit with Jesus on His throne!  So, here's a church that's done nothing (literally) to deserve anything good from Him, and He tells them He will reward them with the chance to be very close to Him.  Reclining at the table with Him as friends, and sitting on His throne!  That shows that they will have some crazy leadership responsibilities.  Thyatira gets to rule over nations, but Laodicea will get to rule over them!  That's not too shabby!  I'd like to sit on the throne.

Okay, we must all understand something.  If we are in Christ, we all gain Heaven.  We will all eat with God at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, and we will all spend eternity in God's presence (Heaven).  If we're in...we're in.  Period.  Nobody gets in without Jesus though.  This shows that Jesus still values division of labor, responsibilities in the Kingdom, roles, etc.   We will be doing work, son!  Even though our rewards are the same, there are different levels.  That does not mean one person will be better than another.  Since we will not be seeking our own glory, but His, and in Heaven we will have His glorious presence, then our roles won't matter to us.  Nobody will have any reason to boast or be jealous.  Each of these listed rewards is awesome.  What I get from these 3 chapters is that I do not need to worry :)  Whatever Heaven is like, I will not be bored, and I will get to chill with Jesus.  While I'm on this earth, I hope Jesus can write me a letter telling me "I like this...", and I also hope He loves me enough to say "I don't like this.  Here is how you fix it..." (Revelation 3:19, "Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent.")  As a loving parent disciplines their child to teach them, so God does for His children.  When He disciplines me I know He loves me, and I also know I'm His child.  He wants to prune me so that I can bear more fruit.  Pruning hurts, but it is necessary.  I don't know why He wants to use me.  I am nothing.  Still, I want to hold onto my first love and be faithful unto death.  I do not want to die anytime soon, but it's nice to know I have something amazing waiting for me at the end of this life.  As I continue to live I want to bear fruit and advance the Kingdom.

For the Kingdom,

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