Thursday, October 27, 2011


I've read a lot of articles, recommended by spiritual leaders in my life, about Halloween.  Every year the focus shifts to Halloween, then to Christmas, etc.  It seems like I hear the same things every year.  I, personally, hate being scared.  I don't watch Horror movies, or attend haunted houses, etc.  So, here's my thought process about Halloween.

It's called a pagan holiday.  For those of us raised fundamentalist, pagan = evil.  However, I have not seen a difference in believer participation vs. non-believer participation.  I speak from my own experience, so I do not claim to perceive the whole.  Some believers I know condemn, rebuke, and refuse to participate in Halloween festivities.  That is fine.  In my family, the celebration of Halloween has always occurred.  I remember even dressing up as Batman when I was young (3?) at my grandparents' house in Arkansas.  My grandparents are very devout believers.  Halloween was always scary to me, but never evil scary.  I would put on a costume and run around my neighborhood with my friends.  I would fill up a bag with candy, and be happy.  We'd eat that candy for months afterward, and usually have to throw some away.  If we ate our breakfast fully we could have 1 piece, lunch 2, and dinner 3.  That's how it went in my household when I was young.  The only costumes I remember were Batman, Bugs Bunny, Karate Kid (I was in karate), and I think I was a soldier one year too.  I remember my brother and sister being Power Rangers.

In high school we had "Hell House".  It was a haunted house, but it was scary because it was real.  We pulled back the curtains, and showed how Satan and his influence can creep into our everyday lives.  The journey followed a car accident, a teenage couple getting pregnant, a teen committing suicide by hanging (possibly the scariest thing I can imagine), a failed abortion that killed the mother, etc.  At the end of the horrors, comes a scene in Heaven where God's on the throne, and judging the two characters.  The girl who aborted the baby had repented and believed, so she got to go into Heaven (a room in our student center that was brightly-lit).  The boyfriend, who had gotten the girl pregnant and then killed himself, had not repented, and proceeded to accuse God of being unfair, not present, etc.  It was a very well-acted rant, if I remember correctly.  Rationales, excuses, etc. were flung at God, but in an earlier scene at a funeral of the friend who died in the car wreck, the Gospel was presented.  That's where the girl repented and the boy hardened his heart.  So, he had a chance, and it was his own fault.  He was dismissed into Hell.  Hell was our hallway in our student center.  It was pitch black, covered in black plastic, with space heaters set to ungodly levels.  There was a scream track playing as well.  It was a pretty haunting experience.  I don't remember if I dressed up or not during Halloween in high school.  More than likely, I didn't.

In college, I remember going to a Halloween party my freshman year with a group from my hall.  I was the designated driver.  I dressed up as a Football manager (original, right?).  The party was at a Senior's house, and there was alcohol in abundance.  We arrived later, and my group descended into drunkenness.  The night ended w/ me carrying a passed out girl from my hall to the car and putting her in the passenger's seat.  We had 5 people crammed into 3 seats in the back of my roommate's small Saturn.  Then, drunk Senior guys surrounded the car and wouldn't let us leave because someone had stolen the tip jar money, and they were accusing someone in my car.  Everyone but me was drunk.  I finally got an opening and hit the gas.  The Seniors chased me down the street.  No joke.  When we got back to O-House, I had to carry my passed out friend to her room.  So, basically, it was not a fun evening.  I don't remember other Halloween festivities because I was on the Football team, and that was Florida weekend.  My first Halloween back as a free man, I wore all of my UT gear (solid orange), and went downtown to see the festivities with some friends.  I wore UT stuff because I couldn't think of anything more evil.  Then that next year I was a ninja.  Now it is this year, and I doubt I will participate at all.

Halloween provides a chance to dress in costume and be someone/something else.  What I've come to think about is why?  Why do I want to pretend to be someone/something else?  I'm 26, so knocking on a random door and asking for candy doesn't work anymore.  Do I really want to pretend to be something I'm not?  Do I care?  I'd like to say that there is some deeply spiritual reason for my non-participation this year, but really I'm just lazy and I don't care anymore.  Honestly, all holidays have lost their lustre with me.  All of the (for lack of a better word) magic has gone out of them for me.  Call me crazy, or lazy, and you're probably right.

But, that's enough about Halloween as a holiday.  Here is the real frightening truth.  Those of us who have committed our lives to following after Jesus have a very real, and very violent enemy.  Since my Sophomore year of high school I have become increasingly more aware of the existence of evil.  By the grace of God, many lies have been exposed to me.  Also by the grace of God, I have been given a boldness to call them out.  On my own, the weakest demon could kill me.  Thankfully it's not my duty to pull out a stick and take on a demon.  That war is already won.  My physical body cannot take on a spiritual being.  The war we are fighting is against the lies and the distortions that exist through sin.  Satan is the enemy figurehead, but really he's no more powerful than the other demons since they're all fallen angels.  Satan loves Halloween because it's the one night a year where we can reinforce the image of him as a horned, red figure w/ a pitchfork.  He doesn't want us to perceive him as he truly is, which is the most beautiful angel that God created.  Yes, people, he's still beautiful to behold at first.  That's why temptation is so enticing at first.  It's only when we peel away the layers, and hold it up next to the Truth of God that we see him for what he really is.  The lies become exposed, and we are horrified.  If we saw the horrific reality at the start, we'd avoid the lies like a plague, but we don't.  Satan gives us a 1-degree shift followed by another 1-degree shift until we realize later how off course we are.  I see the lies that lead a person to take their own life.  The lie that there is no hope left.  That horrifies me.  The truth is there is Hope in Jesus.  He heals and restores.  Satan would lie to you and say He doesn't do that, but He does.  There is Truth that the lies cannot prevail against.

There is a darkness.  Sometimes even our light cannot prevail against it because it's so overwhelming.  There are situations that we as Christians need to avoid.  I'm not saying that celebrating Halloween is one of them, but choose how you celebrate.  This Halloween will not find me walking into a coven simply because I have the Holy Spirit (though, if I were led I would go and see what God does).  Those of you who know me, know I focus on spiritual warfare.  That does not mean, I charge the darkness with a stick.  I have realized that the dark realities exist to drive me closer to the Light.  Only in Jesus is there victory.  He has already prevailed.  The battles and skirmishes here on earth are not won because I am awesome, but because the enemy can't stand up to Him.  Even pastors that I look up to in my life aren't awesome enough to win one-on-one against the weakest demon.  God is the only Light that can beat the dark dominion of Satan here on Earth.  We as Christians are indeed called to be lights, but we are called to carry the Light.  On our own we couldn't strike a spark.  We carry the Light against this dark world.  As I continue to read Scripture, I pray that God allows me to continue to be bold.  I pray that He makes His Truth crystal clear to me.  Though the world may come against me, I pray I stand on His Word alone.  I am calling Satan out for what he truly is.  I will call him on his lies.  Sure, I'll get knocked off my feet, but God is the Victor, not me.  I just get to be a small part of His Kingdom.

So, all that to say this.  Be safe this Halloween.  Think about who or what you are glorifying.  There is an enemy.  Don't even ask him to dance.  Don't dabble or toy with it because you think you can get away with it one night a year.  It's not cool or cute.  Evil doesn't just exist one day a year.  If you want to dress up and get candy, make sure you share some with me LoL.  If you claim Christ, as I do, gird up and make war daily.  Fall is a beautiful time of year.  Fall is my favorite time of year, actually.  Harvests, etc. should be celebrated.  God should be glorified for His provision.  Sure, we have Thanksgiving in America, but even on Halloween the beauty of His creation in Fall should bring Him the glory.  Remember, we're at war.  I'm here for you if you need me.

For the Kingdom,

1 comment:

  1. 'I wore UT stuff because I couldn't think of anything more evil.' lol Now now... be nice!

    I've never been a fan of Halloween either. Being a rather literal-minded child, I never saw the appeal of dress-up and pretend time, which is basically what Halloween is. I just like chocolate. :)
